Sunday basketball sign up policies and procedures


  1. During the last three weeks of each round, everyone that wants to return next round will sign up and pay the fee.  
  2. Right after the current round ends, the commissioner will ask all team leaders to submit the name(s) of anyone they believe should not be extended an invitation to participate next round.  There will be no specific criteria established for this.  It will be totally at the discretion and judgment of the team leaders.    
  3. If any player is identified on this list by six or more team leaders, then that player will not be invited to participate in the upcoming round.  There is no appeal process.  If that player has already signed up, the fee will be returned along with an invitation to reapply next round if they so choose.  If five team leaders (50%) list the same player, then and only then will the commissioner vote to break the tie.  The actual vote count or who voted to exclude will not be disclosed to anyone, only that a majority vote was received.   
  4. Former players who would like to return to the league (alumni on the wait list) will be subject to the same procedure.
  5. Wait list players new to the league are not subject to this vote.  If they have a sponsor, they automatically get a one round probation period before being subject to the vote like everyone else.
  6. This will not apply to the Wednesday group.