Game Monitor Instructions:


                        If you have the early time, you need to arrive at the gym no later than 9 am to get things set up so that our first game can start on time.  You also need to make sure that the baskets are down; set up the scorers table and chairs; get the music set up for pre-game and half-time use; set up the benches for each team; set up the scorekeepers clock and shot clock; and put out the schedules and team listings.

            If you have the late time, you need to please make sure everything is put away after the last game of the day, the baskets are put back up and the gym is clear of any trash that may have been left behind. 

            All game monitors are also responsible for scorekeeping and for knowing and enforcing all of our rules and policies.  Game monitors/scorekeepers are ineligible to be substitute players unless a team has less than five players.  This is because a league member (the assigned person) must be at the scorers table and in control of things at all times.   Game monitors should also check with each team concerning number of players and compliance with the substitution rules before each game; throw the jump ball to get the game moving if there's no one else there to do it; make sure that the games are kept moving and that they start and end on time; be sure that all of the "last 5 minutes" rules and all of our other rules and policies are followed;  keep the games friendly and under control--call official time outs if necessary to do this; make sure that we get first aid (ice packs or whatever) to any player that gets injured; and make sure that the gym rules relating to food and drink are followed--nothing except water is allowed;  

The game monitor is essentially the official who will make a call if asked to do so or if there is discussion about a call for any more than 10 seconds.  This includes ALL types of calls--fouls, possession, three point shots, etc.  I expect all game monitors to be totally familiar with our own rules but it would also be nice if the they knew the basic rules of basketball.  However, even if he doesn't, he will make the call anyway to the best of his ability.  He can accept input from others on the floor if he so chooses, but whether it is based on his knowledge of the rules, input received or is simply his best guess, it is his call to make and game monitor decisions cannot be challenged by anyone for any reason.  

    Further, if a game monitor senses a deteriorating game environment in the form of continuous arguing, he will stop the game and call an official time out until everyone has returned to their normal off-court pleasant demeanor.

    This will only work if 1) the game monitors make these calls almost immediately and 2) everyone agrees to accept the decision of the game monitor whether or not they agree with it. This is another reason that the game monitor cannot be someone that is in the game. 


            Please let me know if you have any questions regarding any of this so that we can discuss it prior to the time that you are assigned and thanks very much to all of you for helping to make our league run smoothly.